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Dental Implants

Porcelain Veneers

Tooth loss can be devastating. Chewing food and smiling can start affecting you. It is hard to break into an unselfconscious smile when you’re worried people will stare at the hollow space of your missing teeth.

What happens if a missing tooth is not replaced?

  • Unbalanced bite due to drifting and shifting of the neighbouring teeth
  • Bone loss and recession in the area of the missing tooth
  • Cavities and periodontal disease occurs
  • Increased biting stress on other teeth
  • Spacing between the teeth
  • Compromised natural smile
  • You look older than your age

When to consider an implant?

  • You want to feel that your teeth are real and part of your mouth
  • You do not want to grind adjacent teeth
  • You feel inconvenient wearing, removing, and cleaning dentures
  • You want to free yourself from the embarrassment and discomfort when your denture is dislodged

Why an implant is the best choice for replacing missing teeth?

  • As comfortable as a natural tooth
  • Protection of adjacent teeth
  • Preservation and maintenance of healthy of jawbone
  • Full dentures can be fixed firmly after the implant is placed.
  • You can be relieved from the periodontal pain, discomfort and bad breath that can be caused due to wearing denture.
  • You can feel the temperature and texture of foods and thus chewing remains an enjoyable experience

How is the procedure done?

First a comprehensive exam is done to determine a treatment plan. Periodontal treatment may be needed. The first stage involves inserting the implant into the bone in the area of the missing tooth/teeth. After the bone heals and fuses to the surrounding bone, the 2nd stage is planned. An artificial crown is then fabricated and cemented on top of the implant. There is no damage to the adjacent teeth. The treatment period takes about 3-6 months in stages. Implants can be used for as long as 10 – 30 years depending on the care. Call us today to see if an implant is the best choice for replacing your missing teeth.
