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Oral Exams

Oral Exams

Hard Tissue & Soft Tissue Intraoral Exam

A complete and thorough exam is performed tooth by tooth, and is recorded in a detailed tooth chart. The conditions of the teeth and mouth are documented. Our Dentists check for fracture lines, cavities around old fillings, broken teeth, identify congenitally missing teeth, abnormal wear on the teeth. They also check for abnormal jaw bone growth and tempero-mandibular joint dysfunction.The Hard Tissue Intraoral Exam is followed by a Soft Tissue Intraoral Exam which includes checking the soft tissues of the mouth, the throat, the tongue and the gums for any abnormal growth or changes.


Children should be examined at least once every 6 months because of the constant change happening as they grow. Our dentists will not only check for any new cavities forming but also supervise the growth of the jaws and teeth which can allow for early interventions that could alleviate or avoid future problems.


In order to maintain a healthy mouth, everyone should have an intra-oral exam at least once per year. Our dentists perform an oral cancer screening exam during your re-care visit for any soft tissue abnormalities as well as checking all of the teeth and gums. Digital x-rays will be prescribed as per the client’s need to monitor areas hidden from vision. We will discuss any questions you might have as well as any treatment that is recommended.

Call us today to book for an exam if you haven’t had any in a while!
