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Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment also known as endodontic therapy helps you retain the original tooth or teeth,when severely infected or damaged resulting in death of the dental pulp(nerve)failure to remove the diseased pulp can result in building up of an abscess around the root of the tooth.Retaining your original tooth/teeth prevents TMJ pain, bite problems and movement of adjacent teeth that would lead to harmful results.

When do I need a RCT?

  • Pain while chewing or biting food
  • A sudden intense pain in the tooth.
  • An unexpected pain in the infected tooth that wakes you up at night or a nagging pain.
  • Sensitivity to cold or hot beverages and/or foods
  • Loose tooth
  • A pain that lasts approximately four to six weeks after a filling or the replacement of a filling.
  • Radiating pain or pressure in the region of the eyes, neck ,ears ,head and jaws

How is RCT Done?

The infected area is first anesthetized before placing a rubber dam. An opening is made through the crown of the tooth to remove the infected pulp. The canals of the teeth or the tooth are cleaned with small dental instruments or files alternated with hand-held or mechanical instruments with irrigants. The canals are shaped to the required size and filled with an endodontic sealer. The cavity would be filled either with a temporary or a permanent restoration. Antibiotics may be prescribed to quicken the healing process and avoid further infection. The second visit to the dentist would involve the removal of the temporary filling with a permanent one and the tooth or teeth would be recapped with a gold or porcelain crown.

Will the RCT hurt?

Not with today’s technology and anesthetic options! The concerned site is anesthetized and most therapy can be completed in one sitting. Some patients may have post operative symptoms like slight inflammation or soreness which can easily be managed by OTC pain killers. We use techniques to reduce pain and anxiety during the procedure.

Call us today to schedule your appointment!
